Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Jim:- Im three whole punch version of Jim. You can have me either way, plain white Jim or three whole punch.

Dwight- ya well look what about me... Im a Sith Lord.... Big deal threee round pieces of paper taped to a shirt... This cost me 129 Dollars

Dwight- Cumberland Mills? How did you get my resume- Im just not sure that its my official resume... What does it say under Matial Arts Training- oh okay I'm going to need to suplement that. Can I have your Fax number.

- Pam, Oscar, merideth kelly, jim, stanly, angela, phyllis... No tell him not Dwight... Quiet YOU!!!

- I am all about loyalty. in fact I feel that part of what I'm being payed for here is loyalty. But if there is another place that values my loyalty more ... Im going to wherever they value loyalty, the most.

Creed- Have you turned in the papers yet... you dont have to do this michael... we can fight it like the old days.

Dwight- What do you mean Martial Arts Training is irrelevant? uh.. Excuse me... I know about a billion Asians that would beg to differ.