Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Fire

Dwight:- Michael is in there evaluating the temp. he hasnt evaluated me in years

Ryan: - I want to stanrt my own business

Michael- that is rediculous

Michael- there are ten rules in business... number one... you need to play to win, but you also win to play.... and I'll give you the rest of the ten at lunch

Michael- I know they say women and children first, but we do not employ children, and women are equal... so if I let them out first... I have a lawsuit on my hands.

Dwight: Get out STAT- STAT means now!

- Great response time. listen up... I have some theories.

Angela- ya I would bring the DaVinchi Dode- so I can burn the DaVinchi Code

Dwight: Thats going to keep you warm for about 7 seconds.

Michael-you know who else didnt go to business school- Lebron James, Tracy McGrady...

Jim- All time Favorite Movie?

Dwight: The Crow

Jim: Come on Dwight... Use Words

Pam: You know what Ryan probably thinks... I wish I was a volunteer Sheriffs Deputy on the weekends.

Dwight: I wish the war goes on forever, and ryan gets drafted.
Dwight: RYAN STARTED THE FIRE... it was always burning since the world was turning... blablablabla... Marlyn Monroe... blablabla... Richard Nixon
Michael- Ryan is book smart. and I am street smart and book smart.