Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Dundies


- "Kevin, like who's going to give Kevin an award. Dunking Doughnuts."

- "It's Fat Halpert. Jim Halpert"

-"The P.L.O the I.R.A. and the hotdog stand behind the Warehouse... Name 3 buisinesses that have better healthcare plans than Dunder Mifflin."

- "No reason? it was the 05/05/05 party. It happens once every Billion years!"

Michael: "Why don't you show everyone your dundies?"

Dwight: "Mine are in a displaycase above my bed."


-"Kelly, if you tell me, you'll be punished less."

-"Excuse me everyone! I just wanted to say that the women in this office are terrible. especially the ones that wrote that stuff about michael on the bathroom wall. Having a bathroom is a privalige. It is called a laides room for a reason. and if you cannot act like ladies, you will not have one. We will have two mens rooms. Be prepared to hold it folks. From 9 am- 5pm."

- "The waitress tripped on the cord"


- "please, please, do not drink and drive. Because you may hit a bump, and spill your drink."

- "this next award goes to someone who really lights up the office. and someone that we all can't help but check out. The hottest in the office award goes to Rayan the Temp."

- "it is so hot out there. Now I know how Bob Hope felt, when he performed in Saudi Arabia."


- "I have so many people to thank. lets give michael a hand... and Dwight. So... Finally I want to thank God, because God gave me this Dundie... and I feel God in this resturant tonight... WOOOOOOOOOOOO."

Dwight- "I had to check her pupils to chack for a concussion"


- "I feel bad about what I wrote about Michael on the bathroom wall."